Question: 1 / 140

In terms of toxicity, which is more hazardous?

Low LD50

The consideration of toxicity often revolves around the concept of LD50, which measures the lethal dose required to kill 50% of a test population. A low LD50 value indicates a substance that can cause death at relatively small doses, making it more hazardous. In this context, a substance with a low LD50 poses a significant risk, as even minimal exposure can lead to severe health consequences.

In contrast, a high LD50 means that a much larger dose of the substance is required to reach the same level of toxicity, indicating that it is less hazardous. Therefore, understanding that lower LD50 values correlate with greater toxicity is fundamental for assessing the safety of chemical substances in pest control and other applications. This principle is crucial for pest control technicians in evaluating the risks associated with different pesticides and choosing safer options for both human health and the environment.

High LD50

Equally toxic

Both are safe


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